Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Benefits of Natural Lawn Care

The Benefits of Natural Lawn Care

What is natural lawn care? Essentially, caring for your lawn naturally means you don't use synthetic chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides on your lawn. It means you do use natural fertilizers and organic means of dealing with pests. Natural lawn care can apply to a few methods or you can go "all the way" and have a lawn that is "given back" to nature and not maintained artificially at all.

There are many benefits associated with natural lawn care. Here are some of them.


If you stop spraying your lawn with chemicals every season, your lawn will be free of these dubious substances. This may make your whole family healthier in the long run. It is probably healthier for the environment, too - lawns that are not doused with chemicals are lawns that do not shed these chemicals into the surrounding ecosystem and water supply each time it rains.

Also, caring for your lawn naturally usually results in lush, green grass that is healthier. Healthy grass absorbs more carbon dioxide from the air and puts out more oxygen.

Saves Water

If you engage in natural lawn care, you will probably set up a rain barrel to provide water for your lawn. Even if you don't, you may find that you water a naturally-maintained yard less, because the grass is healthier, longer, and able to withstand dry conditions better.


As you engage in natural lawn care, you may find it's a lot easier. There is less mowing involved, for one thing; natural lawns are generally allowed to grow to four inches or more. You can use your grass clippings as mulch, and you won't have the added chore of pouring on synthetic fertilizer and pesticides.

Saves Money

Synthetic chemicals cost money. If you switch to natural lawn care, you will no longer be paying annually for chemical treatments and sprays.


If you go "all the way" with your natural lawn care and decide to let nature take over, you will find "weeds" setting in. Many of these "weeds" are valuable plants that are important to the surrounding ecosystem. Some of them are edible or medicinal, too.

Beneficial Insects and Birds

A lawn that is cared for naturally will tend to attract wildlife, especially bees and birds. These important members of the ecosystem appreciate a sanctuary that is free from chemicals and where there is suitable habitat.

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