Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How to Sell Your House Faster

Pristine Lawn Care Helps to Sell Your House Pristine Lawn Care Helps to Sell Your House by Jimmy Calhoun

Just making sure the grass is cut regularly is enough for a yard, but if you are trying to sell a house and want a pristine landscape that gives your house real curb appeal, then you should consider a professional lawn care service. There are so many homes available in the current market that you need to make sure the home you are selling is a demonstrable cut above the rest. When potential buyers approach your "for sale" sign you need to grab their attention and admiration at the curb and not let go until they sign the papers.

Usually when people upgrade or remodel a home for the purpose of selling it they spend almost all of their budget on the inside flooring and new kitchen appliances and leave very little for the lawn care, which is the first thing a buyer sees. It has been said that a first impression may be the last so you need to address this issue if you really want to sell your house. A seller may have the very nicest house on the block inside the doors but if the yard is little more than green, or possibly brown, grass you have not presented the appealing picture that you could be presenting.

Why not budget a little for a professional lawn care service to help you design an attractive frame to display your house and then continue to do proper lawn care on it until it is sold? You can negotiate with a professional lawn care service for a short term open ended contract to do landscape maintenance that suites your specific needs and relieve yourself of the physical work. While you are upgrading the inside they will be beautifying the outside. By the time you have finished the inside, the outside should also be ready to sell. If the outside is finished before you are, that is even better. You will be drawing buyers to your house before you put up the sign.

The landscape design you give your lawn care service should be attractive but not overdone. It also should not be underdone, which is more often the case. If the planting beds near the foundation of the house have well maintained shrubs and flowers, and there is one other planting area near the street that harbors a beautiful tree along with some low growing shrubs or large boulders along with flowers or cactus strategically planted around them the rest can be beautiful green grass. All this greenery needs to be fertilized, watered regularly and mowed weekly. The weeds need to be pulled and dead leaves removed on a weekly basis, too. Even in winter someone should be walking the yard each week to make sure potential buyers see only an attractive landscape where ever they set foot in the front or the back of the house.

The skilled staff of a professional lawn care service is suggested because the task of truly keeping a lawn in tip top shape can be a challenge for the average busy home seller. Since homes do not normally sell "quickly" in today's market you may need to provide for the yard service for a few months. You never know when the perfect buyer will be walking or driving by, and if your yard space and lawn are kept attractively maintained during the entire selling period, you are more likely to generate interest and make the sale sooner because your house is just so darn pretty they can't let it go.

Precision Lawn Care, Inc. will work within your budget and has provided high-end landscape maintenance in the Atlanta area for more than 16 years. They introduced their specialty, which is reel-cutting to create healthier grass, in 1994 for home owners, commercial and industrial properties, and home owners associations. Their detail-oriented landscape crews are devoted to creating and maintaining the healthiest, most beautifully manicured "curb appeal" that a buyer could desire.

Article Source: Pristine Lawn Care Helps to Sell Your House

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