Monday, October 22, 2012

Simple Ways You Can Have a Wonderfull Garden Area

Simple Ways You Can Have a Wonderful Garden Area Simple Ways You Can Have a Wonderful Garden Area by Cedric Loiselle

Having a beautiful garden is something that every homeowner dreams of. A well arranged and landscaped garden can definitely add to the aesthetic appeal of a residence. Not only that, the garden area is generally considered as a place to relax, spend quality time with friends and family, and to simply enjoy the beauty of nature. With all that said, it makes a lot of sense for you to find ways you can create an attractive and heavenly garden area. Below are some tips you can use if you are to start designing your own garden.

Design Tips

- Plan the kinds and sizes of plants you are to place in your garden. Ideally, you would want a plant that is tall enough to become the focal point of the garden. Around this plant, you can then put some medium height ones and then a couple of trailing plants on the edge. This way, your garden will not look disorganized and will have a sense of harmony in it.

- Take note of the bloom times of your plants. Make sure that you will include different summer, spring and fall bloomers in the mix. Be creative also and try to mix different colors of blooms into your garden.

- Consider having a natural stone garden pond. One of the classic garden design ideas is the creation of ponds, waterfalls, steppers, and wall stones. There are many types and colors of stones you can choose from for your garden. Your choice will depend on the size you want and the atmosphere you want to create.

Maintenance Tips

- To deter weeds and conserve water, you should mulch the garden. Of course, there will be weeds appearing in it, but they will surely be much easier to pull and get rid of if your garden soil is mulched properly.

- Remove dying and dead blooms every once in a while. Keep in mind that whatever flowering plants you have, they perform best when they are free from dying and dead blooms. Deadheading them really helps them produce more blooms. And of course, your garden will look much better and well cared for if you do this regularly.

- See to it that there are drainage holes in your planters. If you are using containers or pots, make sure they have holes to prevent the soil from retaining water for a long time. It is also important for your garden area to have an appropriate drainage system. You can use natural stones also as pavements or drainage path just to be sure too much water doesn’t stay in the plant bed for too long.

If you happen to be a beginner in planting or gardening, it would seem really complicated to get started with designing your garden. While there are many things you should take into account in undertaking this project, you may also get a lot of help from the internet. All you need to do is visit a couple of gardening sites to access valuable information from the experts.

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Article Source: Simple Ways You Can Have a Wonderful Garden Area

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