Friday, October 26, 2012

Outdoor Water Fountain

Maintaining Your Outdoor Water Fountain Maintaining Your Outdoor Water Fountain by Cedric Loiselle

If you have an outdoor fountain, you have probably realized that maintaining it is a tough job. Outdoor fountains are subject to dirt, rain, snow, bird droppings and other elements. Cleaning is necessary to preserve the artistic value of your fountain.

Turn off the water pump when you clean the fountain. Then, empty water from the fountain. You should also take out the water pump and clean it. Dirt can get clogged inside the pump, so, wipe the inside or brush it. Cleaning the pump is the first thing to do to so that the water will continue to run smoothly. This should not take too long.

The fountain itself is never hard to maintain, although its actual maintenance could eat some of your time. Basically, you would only remove dry leaves. Occasionally, you need to clean the fountain to remove algae and dirt that has built up on the surface of the stone, as well as bird droppings that can be found in the water or even on the surface.

Maintenance of outdoor water fountains also includes inspecting of the water. If you live in subtropical or tropical regions, mosquitoes can breed in the water. Mosquito larvae bloom in fresh water. Your water then becomes a medium for disease-causing mosquitoes. So, check to see if there are wigglers. If there are, remove the water or apply a mosquito larvae killing solution.

If you want to keep your fountain in a good condition, you may need to invest in a number of products. For people who do not like to frequently clean, algae inhibitors are useful. Be careful when using these products, though. Algae inhibitors may contain bleach, which can ruin the look of your mini waterfall. At the same time, the chemical could also harm birds that may drink from it.

In order for you to reduce the frequency of conducting cleaning and maintenance, place this decoration in a good, favorable location. If you put it in an area where people stay or pass frequently, you will have to maintain it often. You don’t have to place your mini waterfall in a secluded area where no one would see it, as long as it is within a safe distance from passageways.

There are other factors to consider when it comes to maintaining your outdoor water fountains. If it has been standing for quite some time, you will notice a scale buildup on the surface. This buildup is calcium deposit, which can be removed by simply applying white vinegar. However, do not apply vinegar if your chosen mini waterfall is made of limestone or marble.

In places where winter brings freezing weather, these certain outdoor decorations should be prepared for the cold, icy season. Water expands when it freezes and this expansion could damage the pumps. So, drain the liquid before the temperatures drop. Take off the water pump and store it indoors or in any warm place. When warm weather resumes in spring, clean the fountain and restore the liquid and the pump. Then, run the pump and the fountain to see if it’s working.

For more information about Outdoor Fountains and Water Fountains visit our website

Article Source: Maintaining Your Outdoor Water Fountain

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